Different types of written communication

Anya Breus
2 min readApr 18, 2021


All business emails should be direct, clear, and easy to read. The tone of a business email, however, can vary from informal to formal. The formality can depend on your company, the intended audience, subject matter, and several other factors.

Make every sentence short and direct. Doing your document easy to read and remember.Consider using a brief greeting or conclusion, and remember that offering courtesies like”please “ and “thank you” go a long way.


Memos can be addressed to a single person or a group, so tailor your message to reflect the concerns of your audience. As with any business document, always remain professional and polite, even if you have to address a negative topic. An official memo is no place to single someone out in a critical way, so focus on facts and constructive plans for the future.


When a company needs to make an informed decision, it can create a business report to guide its leaders.

Business reports are always formal, objective, and heavily researched. Every fact must be clear and verifiable, regardless of whether the report focuses on a single situation or examines the overall performance of an entire company.

Because objectivity is crucial in a business report, avoid subjective descriptions that tell the reader how to feel.

