Internship experience

Anya Breus
2 min readMay 7, 2021

This year I had an internship at the Kulibin Hotel. I have been working in the tourism industry for a long time and have gained a lot of experience and knowledge. But I don’t stop studying. I discover new directions in the field of tourism. This time I started a project to create a hotel booking system such booking. This was my first experience in such a project. It is completely different from what I did before.

It was difficult, I had to work 8–10 hours a day. The project was divided into several parts. The first part was the most important, but also the most exhausting. I needed to form a hotel base. I had to search for all the hotels in Russia, fill in the information on them and structure it. The second part was to negotiate cooperation with these hotels. Unfortunately, the project was canceled at this part.

It was an interesting experience, but I wouldn’t want to repeat it. I didn’t enjoy the job. It is difficult for me, I dont like to sit all day at the computer. I’m more suited to working with clients. I love to create my own tours of Europe, which I know so well. Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus, this tourism sector has lost many customers.

